Individual or Family Requests

Individual requests are completed for a child or children in the same family or with the same guardian.  These requests can be completed by:

  •  parent or guardian of a First Nations or Indigenous child who ordinarily resides on reserve
  • a First Nations, or Indigenous child who ordinarily resides on reserve, at the age of consent in their province or territory of residence. A child at the age of consent can make decisions on their own about the care they need. Age of consent varies by province or territory.
  • an authorized representative of the child, parent or guardian
    • written or verbal consent must be provided by the parent or guardian

Group Requests

A group request is a request for a group of children from multiple families or guardians.  Group requests can be submitted by:

  • a parent or guardian of First Nations or Indigenous children who ordinarily reside on reserve
  • a community or Tribal Council
  • a community organization or institution
  • a service coordinator, navigator or case manager

Common Group Requests include:

  • Requests to contract professionals to provide services for groups of
    children (ex. Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech and
    Language Pathologist, Cultural Services , Behavioural Therapy etc.)
  • Requests for specialized individuals to assist a groups of children in
    education or social contexts (ex. Shared Education Assistants, youth mental health workers, assessments)
  • Requests for an item/support to enhance services for children (ex.
    Laptops for an educational request)
  • Requests for non specific or estimated groups of children
  • A request where the children have not yet been identified

Please note: the requestor will need to attest that eligibility and consent will be
collected and stored on file for each child included under the approved service. It is required to provide to ISC upon request.

Capital Requests

Capital Funding Guidance

Funding for capital assets through 2021 CHRT 41

By virtue of 2021 CHRT 41, First Nations, First Nations child and family services agencies and First Nations-authorized Jordan’s Principle service providers can access funding for the purchase and construction of capital assets that are needed to:

  • support the delivery of child and family services to First Nations children on-reserve and in Yukon
  • provide safe, accessible, confidential and culturally- and age-appropriate spaces that are needed to support the delivery of Jordan’s Principle services on-reserve, in the Northwest Territories and in Yukon, which can include space to administer those services, such as in support of service coordination
  • provide First Nations Representative Services (formerly Band Representative Services) in First Nations in Ontario

Capital assets are pieces of property, buildings, spaces or vehicles that are intended for long-term use. For example, funding for capital assets would support:

  • purchasing land on which a building is to be built for the delivery of First Nations child and family services, First Nations Representative Services or Jordan’s Principle services
  • repairing or renovating an existing building for the delivery of such services
  • establishing a cultural space, including outdoors, to run prevention-based programming

To access funding for capital assets, projects must be considered “ready to proceed”. This means that the project has received approval from the First Nation and the feasibility and design work has been completed. Indigenous Services Canada will provide support to First Nations and agencies to bring a project to the stage where it is considered “ready to proceed”, including providing funding to conduct a capital needs assessment or a feasibility study.

First Nations child and family services agencies may continue to seek reimbursement for building repairs through a claim on actuals as per 2018 CHRT 4.